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Fruitful Abundance Congratulations Basket

A feast for the senses, this beautiful and delectable arrangement of fruits and flowers is the perfect gift for someone close to your heart. Spoil them with Nature's sweetest treats.

Fruitful Abundance Congratulations Basket
Item # 2232-0075-2401-2345
Actual fruit and basket may vary.
Delivered by a local florist
step 1
select price
Shown $64.99
Fruit Baskets are designed to be delivered as close to the arrangement pictured as possible.
Deluxe $74.99
Extra fruit is added in our deluxe basket.
Premium $84.99
With even more fruit, the premium baskets make quite a statement.
step 2
Chocolates, Balloons, and Bears can be added near the end of checkout
step 3
step 4

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